Guidance for Implementers of Autocrypt Level 0 ============================================== This document describes the basic capabilities required for a MUA to be Autocrypt-capable at Level 0. Some Autocrypt-capable clients may choose to go beyond these features, and future Levels of Autocrypt may require more specific control. Throughout this document, we refer to a Mail User Agent (MUA) as though it was only capable of controlling a single e-mail account. A MUA that is capable of connecting to multiple e-mail accounts should have a separate Autocrypt state for each e-mail account it has access to. .. contents:: Requirements on MUA/E-mail Provider interactions ------------------------------------------------ Autocrypt tries to impose minimal requirements on how MUAs and e-mail services interact. We assume that an Autocrypt-capable MUA has credentials and capabilities to perform these network services: - The ability to send e-mail (e.g. via SMTP or Submission) where the MUA can control the entire message being sent, including both message headers and message body. - The ability to receive e-mail where the MUA gets access to the entire message being received, including both message headers and message body. - Access to a special (IMAP) Shared Message Archive (SMA) folder which can be accessed by all MUAs of a user's devices to co-ordinate between them. In Level 0 this is only used for `ensuring that only one MUA has Autocrypt enabled for an e-mail account at once `_. If a particular e-mail account does not expose these features (e.g. if it only exposes a javascript-driven web interface for message composition that does not allow setting of e-mail headers, or if it only offers POP access to the incoming mail) then the e-mail account cannot be used with Autocrypt. An Autocrypt-capable MUA may still access and control the account, but it will not be able to enable Autocrypt on it. .. todo:: Discuss with webmail developers how to work with, refine the interactions. Secret key generation and storage --------------------------------- The MUA MUST be capable of generating and storing two RSA 2048-bit secret keys, one for signing and self-certification and the other for decrypting. It MUST be capable of assembling these keys into an OpenPGP certificate (RFC 4880 "Transferable Public Key") that indicates these capabilities. These secret keys MUST be protected from access by other applications or co-tenants of the device at least as well as the passwords the MUA retains for the user's IMAP or SMTP accounts. These secret keys MUST never be sent over the wire to any other party. When an Autocrypt-enabled MUA configures an e-mail account, it should generate these keys and store them locally. Then it should proceed to try to "claim" the account to `lock out `_ other MUAs of the same users. In Level 0 only one MUA can send and receive encrypted mail through Autocrypt mechanisms. .. _lockout: Claiming the Account -------------------- Only one Level 0 MUA can have Autocrypt enabled for a given account at a time. The Autocrypt-enabled MUA "claims" the account so that others disable their Autocrypt features. The Shared Mail Archive MUST contain a named location mechanism that all other Autocrypt clients can see. For example, an IMAP mailbox would have a named folder. Autocrypt uses the special name `_autocrypt_sma` to store "claim" announcements. The MUA looks in the special location for a message whose form matches the standard claim announcement and is valid. If such a message is present, the MUA disables its Autocrypt features for this account. If the special location does not exist, or it exists, but there are no valid claim announcements in it, the MUA crafts its own claim announcement and places it in the special location. .. todo:: - Document the claim announcement format - Clarify concerns about race conditions, case-sensitivity, etc. Header injection in outbound mail --------------------------------- During message composition where the message will be marked as ``From:`` an e-mail address that the Autocrypt-capable agent knows the secret key material for, it should always include an Autocrypt header with the associated public key material as the ``key=`` attribute, and it should include the ``to=`` attribute for recipients to match on. The most minimal Level 0 MUA will only include these two attributes. If the ``From:`` address changes during message composition (e.g. if the user selects a different outbound identity, the Autocrypt-capable client MUST change the ``Autocrypt:`` header. See :ref:`mua-happypath` for examples of outbound headers and the following sections for header format definitions and parsing. .. _autocryptheaderformat: Deriving a Parsed Autocrypt Header from a Message ------------------------------------------------- The ``Autocrypt:`` header MUST have the following format:: Autocrypt:; [type=(p|_*);] [prefer-encrypted=(yes|no);] key=BASE64 Where the value of ``key`` includes a Base64 representation of a minimal key. For now we only support ``p`` as the type, which represents a specific subset of OpenPGP (see the the next section). ``key`` MUST be the last attribute. ``prefer-encrypted`` indicates that agents should default to encrypting when composing e-mails to this recipient. If ``prefer-encrypted`` is not set, the value of ``prefer-encrypted`` is ``nopreference``. If ``prefer-encrypted`` is set, but neither ``yes`` nor ``no``, the MUA must skip the header as invalid. Additional attributes unspecified here are also possible before the ``key`` attribute. If a MUA encounters an unknown attribute, if the attribute name starts with an underscore (``_``), this is a "non-critical" attribute. The MUA MUST ignore the non-critical attribute and continue parsing the header. If the unknown attribute name does *not* start with an underscore, it is a "critical" attribute, and the MUA must skip the header as invalid. If a Level 0 MUA encounters an otherwise-valid header which has ``type`` set to something other than ``p`` it MUST skip the header as invalid. When parsing an incoming message, a Level 0 MUA MUST examine all headers with the name ``Autocrypt:`` and collect all valid headers in a list. If the list of valid headers has more than one entry, it should be treated as 0 valid headers (that is, it should return ``null``). ``type=p``: OpenPGP Based key data ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ For maximum interoperability and sanity a certificate sent by an Autocrypt-enabled Level 0 MUA MUST send an OpenPGP "Transferable Public Key" (see `RFC 4880 ยง11.1 `_) containing exactly these five OpenPGP packets: - a primary key ``Kp`` - a uid that SHOULD be set to the e-mail address of the account - a self signature - an encryption-capable subkey ``Ke`` - a binding signature over ``Ke`` by ``Kp`` These packets should be assembled in binary format (not ASCII-armored), and then base64-encoded. During interpretation, whitespace should be stripped before base64-decoding. A Level 0 MUA MUST be capable of processing and handling 2048-bit RSA keys. It SHOULD be capable of handling Curve 25519 keys (ed25519 for ``Kp`` and cv25519 for ``Ke``), but some underlying toolkits may not yet support Curve 25519. Internal state storage ---------------------- .. note:: You should be familiar with :ref:`mua-happypath` before reading the following. If a remote peer disables Autocrypt or drops back to using a non-Autocrypt MUA only we must be able to disable sending encrypted mails to this peer automatically. MUAs capable of Autocrypt level 0 therefore MUST store state about the capabilities of their remote peers. Agents MAY also store additional information gathered for heuristic purposes, or for other cryptographic schemes. However, in order to support future syncing of Autocrypt state between agents, it is critical that Autocrypt-capable agents maintain the state specified here. Conceptually, we represent this state as a table named ``autocrypt_peer_state`` indexed by the peer's :doc:`canonicalized e-mail address ` and key type. In level 0, there is only one type, ``p``, so level 0 agents can implement this by indexing only the peer's e-mail address. For each e-mail and type, an Agent MUST store the following attributes: * ``pah``: Parsed Autocrypt header, which could be ``null`` * ``changed``: UTC Timestamp when ``pah`` was last changed * ``last_seen``: Most recent UTC time that ``pah`` was confirmed Autocrypt-compatible agents SHOULD track and store in ``autocrypt_peer_state`` a parsed interpretation ``pah``, which is not necessarily the literal header emitted (for the literal header, see next section). The ``pah`` MUST contain the following fields: * ``key`` -- the raw key material, after base64 decoding * ``prefer_encrypted`` -- a tri-state: ``nopreference``, ``yes``, or ``no`` Updating internal state upon message receipt -------------------------------------------- When first encountering an incoming e-mail ``M`` from an e-mail address ``A``, the MUA should follow the following ``autocrypt_update`` algorithm: - Set a local ``message_date`` to the ``Date:`` header of ``M``. - If ``message_date`` is in the future, set ``message_date`` to the current time. .. todo:: This implies that Autocrypt clients keep track of whether they have encountered a given message before, but does not provide them with guidance on how to do so. Message-ID? Digest of full message body? The consequences of re-triggering the message receipt process should only matter for messages that are erroneously marked with a future date. Another approach that would not require keeping track of the message would be to simply ignore messages whose ```Date:`` header is in the future. .. - Set a local ``message_pah`` to be the ``Autocrypt:`` header in ``M``. This is either a single Parsed Autocrypt header, or ``null``. - If ``message_pah`` is ``null``, and the MUA knows about additional OpenPGP keys, then we replace ``message_pah`` with a ``synthesized_pah`` generated from the message itself: - If the message is not cryptographically signed, or there is an unverifiable or invalid message signature, ``synthesized_pah`` is ``null``. - Alternately, the message is cryptographically signed, and the signature is verified and comes from a known OpenPGP certificate ``K``: If ``K`` is not encryption-capable (i.e. if the primary key has no encryption-capabilities marked, and no valid subkeys are encryption-capable), or if K does not have an OpenPGP User ID which contains the e-mail address in the message's ``From:``, then ``synthesized_pah`` is also ``null``. Otherwise, with an encryption-capable ``K``, the ``key`` element of ``synthesized_pah`` is set to ``K``. In this case, the ``prefer_encrypted`` element of ``synthesized_pah`` is set based on whether the message is also encrypted in addition to being signed. If the message is encrypted, then ``prefer_encrypted`` is set to ``yes``. If it is not encrypted, then ``prefer_encrypted`` is set to ``nopreference``. .. note:: We do *not* synthesize the Autocrypt header from any ``application/pgp-keys`` message parts. This is because it's possible that an attached OpenPGP key is not intended to be the sender's OpenPGP key. For example, Alice might send Bob Carol's OpenPGP key in an attachment, but Bob should not interpret it as Carol's key. .. todo:: Maybe move ``synthesized_pah`` into :doc:`other-crypto-interop` ? .. - Note: The agent continues this message receipt process even when ``message_pah`` is ``null``, since updating the stored state with ``null`` is sometimes the correct action. - Next, the agent compares the ``message_pah`` with the ``pah`` stored in ``autocrypt_peer_state[A]``. - If ``autocrypt_peer_state`` has no record at all for address ``A``, the MUA sets ``autocrypt_peer_state[A]`` such that ``pah`` is ``message_pah`` and ``changed`` and ``last_seen`` are both ``message_date``, and then terminates this receipt process. - If ``autocrypt_peer_state[A]`` has ``last_seen`` greater than or equal to ``message_date``, then the agent stores ``message_pah`` and terminates this receipt process, since it already knows about something more recent. For example, this might be if mail is delivered out of order, or if an inbox is scanned from newest to oldest. - If ``autocrypt_peer_state[A]`` has a ``last_seen`` less than ``message_date``, then we compare ``message_pah`` with the ``pah`` currently stored in ``autocrypt_peer_state[A]``. This is done as a literal comparison using only the ``key`` and ``prefer_encrypt`` fields, even if the Agent stores additional fields as an augmentation, as follows: - If ``key`` is bytewise different, or if ``prefer_encrypted`` has a different value, then this is an *update*. - If ``key`` and ``prefer_encrypted`` match exactly, then it is considered a *match*. - If both ``pah`` and ``message_pah`` are ``null``, it is a *match*. - If one is ``null`` and the other is not ``null``, it is a *update*. - In the case of a **match**, set ``autocrypt_peer_state[A].last_seen`` to ``message_date``. - In the case of an **update**, set ``autocrypt_peer_state[A].pah`` to ``message_pah`` and ``autocrypt_peer_state[A].last_seen`` and ``autocrypt_peer_state[A].changed`` to ``message_date``. .. note:: The above algorithm results in a non-deterministic ``autocrypt_peer_state`` if two Autocrypt headers are processed using the same ``message_date`` (depending on which message is encountered first). For consistency and predictability across implementations, it would be better to have a strict ordering between parsed Autocrypt headers, and to always select the lower header in case of equal values of ``message_date``. .. note:: OpenPGP's composable certificate format suggests that there could be alternate ways to compare ``key`` values besides strict bytewise comparison. For example, this could be done by comparing only the fingerprint of the OpenPGP primary key instead of the keydata. However, this would miss updates of the encryption-capable subkey, or updates to the capabilities advertised in the OpenPGP self-signature. Alternately, the message receipt process could incorporate fancier date comparisons by integrating the timestamps within the OpenPGP messages during the date comparison step. For simplicity and ease of implementation, level 0 Autocrypt-capable agents are expected to avoid these approaches and to do full bytestring comparisons of ``key`` data instead. .. todo:: the spec currently doesn't say how to integrate Autocrypt processing on message receipt with spam filtering. Should we say something about not doing Autocrypt processing on message receipt if the message is believed to be spam? Provide a recommendation for message encryption ----------------------------------------------- On message composition, an Autocrypt-capable agent also has an opportunity to decide whether to try to encrypt an e-mail. Autocrypt aims to provide a reasonable recommendation for the agent. Any Autocrypt-capable agent may have other means for making this decision outside of Autocrypt (see :doc:`other-crypto-interop`). Autocrypt provides a recommendation to this process, but there is no requirement for Autocrypt-capable agents to always follow the Autocrypt recommendation. That said, all Autocrypt-capable agents should be able to calculate the same Autocrypt recommendation due to their internal state. The Autocrypt recommendation depends on the list of recipient addresses for the message being composed. When the user edits the list of recipients, the recommendation may change. The MUA should reflect this change. .. note:: It's possible that the user manually overriddes the Autocrypt recommendation and then edits the list of recipients. The MUA SHOULD retain the user's manual choices for a given message even if the Autcrypt recommendation changes. .. todo:: Discuss how to deal with the case where the user manually selects encryption and subsequently adds a recipient whom the MUA has no key. Autocrypt can produce three possible recommendations to the agent during message composition: * ``disable``: Disable or hide any UI that would allow the user to choose to encrypt the message. Prepare the message in cleartext. * ``available``: Enable UI that would allow the user to choose to encrypt the message, but do not default to encryption. Prepare the message in cleartext. * ``encrypt`` : Enable UI that would allow the user to choose to send the message in cleartext, and default to encryption. Prepare the message as an encrypted message. .. todo:: The Autocrypt recommendation should probably change depending on whether the mail is a reply to an encrypted e-mail or not. Recommendations for single-recipient messages +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ For level 0 MUAs, the Autocrypt recommendation for message composed to a single recipient with e-mail address ``A`` is derived from the value stored in ``autocrypt_peer_state[A]``. If the ``pah`` is ``null``, or if ``pah.key`` is known to be unusable for encryption (e.g. it is otherwise known to be revoked or expired), then the recommendation is ``disable``. If the ``pah`` is not ``null``, and ``prefer-encrypted`` is ``yes``, then the recommendation is ``encrypt``. If ``pah`` is not ``null``, and ``prefer-encrypted`` is either ``no`` or ``nopreference``, then the recommendation is ``available``. Recommendations for messages to multiple addresses ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ For level 0 agents, the Autocrypt recommendation for a message composed to multiple recipients is derived from the recommendations for each recipient individually. If any recipient has a recommendation of ``disable`` then the message recommendation is ``disable``. If every recipient other than "myself" (the e-mail address that the message is ``From:``) has a recommendation of ``encrypt`` then the message recommendation is ``encrypt``. Otherwise, the message recommendation is ``available``. Encrypt outbound mail as requested ---------------------------------- As the user composes mail, in some circumstances, the MUA may be instructed by the user to encrypt the message. If the recipient's keys are all of ``type=p``, and the sender has keys for all recipients (as well as themselves), they should construct the encrypted message as a PGP/MIME (RFC 3156) encrypted+signed message, encrypted to all recipients and the public key whose secret is controlled by the MUA itself. For messages that are going to be encrypted when sent, the MUA MUST NOT leak the cleartext of drafts or other partially-composed messages to the SMA (e.g. in the "Drafts" folder). If there is any chance that the message could be encrypted, the MUA SHOULD encrypt drafts only to itself before storing in any Drafts folder on the SMA. Specific User Interface Elements -------------------------------- Ideally, Autocrypt users see very little UI. They might never see any UI at all by default. However, some UI is inevitable, even if only tucked away in an arcane "preferences pane" or something. Account Preferences +++++++++++++++++++ Level 0 MUAs MUST allow the user to disable Autocrypt completely for each account they control. If Autocrypt is enabled for a given account, the MUA MUST allow the user to specify whether they explicitly prefer encryption for inbound messages, or explicitly prefer cleartext for inbound messages, or choose to express no preference. The default SHOULD be "no preference" unless the MUA has good reason to know better. Please see :doc:`ui-examples` for specific examples of how this might look. Message Composition +++++++++++++++++++ If an MUA is willing to compose encrypted mail, it SHOULD include some UI mechanism at message composition time for the user to choose an encrypted message or cleartext. This may be as simple as a single checkbox. If the Autocrypt recommendation is ``disable`` for a given message, the MUA MAY choose to avoid exposing this UI during message composition at all. If the Autocrypt recommendation is either ``available`` or ``encrypt``, the MUA SHOULD expose this UI during message composition to allow the user to make a different decision.